Monday 28 January 2013

New Version of Scholarship

With the kind help of N Fourbois acting as editor, there is now a revised version of Scholarship.  It has been uploaded to and will appear at in due course.

Editing is more than just correcting a few typos and (my weakness) overly complex sentence structures (sorted by exchanging some commas for full stops), it is also about being asked occasionally why you wrote what you did.

The best example of the latter is my comment about Michaelmas being an odd name for the autumn term.  This is a classic error rooted in my childhood (I have a habit of mistaking one word for another), I always mistook Michealmas for Christmas.  I have now been educated as to the difference (Michaelmas is actually totally separate for Christmas and occurs around the 29th of September).

Some interesting discussions also ensued on the names of positions in a rugby team (my editor is fortunately someone who knows the game well) and the change from holding around the waist to Sacha's hold on me which was up between the legs holding on to my waist.

A couple of sentences have changed as a result, I hope for the better!

Saturday 5 January 2013

New Year News and Sh*t

And suddenly we are in the teens with 2013.  Most of us can remember reaching the teenage years if only because generally by this age sex is rearing its sometimes ugly (and sometimes pretty) head.

The other part of the new year was far less welcome, an old friend of 35 years standing passed away after a short illness, he was two weeks younger than me.  In an era when one can hope to live to 80+ so long as you do not over abuse your body or get hit by one of life's still fatal illnesses to die as my friend did in his early 50s seems somehow unfair, it is always the good guys who go first.  I now know four people who have died, all roughly my age.  A depressing thought.