Friday 27 December 2013

Alexander's Choice by Edmund Marlowe

Finally managed to finish reading the above book over the festive season.

The ending hits like a rather unpleasant tackle whilst playing a dominant team, an expected result.

Anyway, I enjoyed some fine writing from Edmund Marlowe. Alexander indeed makes his choice and the plot heads in a familiar direction.  There is no getting away from it, 'school boy' romance tends to be something read through the cracks in one hands as one flinches at the on page action.

Of course when I finished reading, I can understand why our hero was called Alexander, it is all in the Greek references.  My hero nearly had the same name but in the end I went for the slightly more obscure Russian variant Alexei in honour of his slightly fiery nature and because I wanted to use the familiar version of Sacha.

I too nearly came out with the same ending but veered away at the last moment when I realised there was an alternate ending, which most people can relate to.

Anyway I recommend reading Alexander's Choice.

In the mean time, happy new year!
